Move Over, Kashmir Ki Kali! Here We Have Bengali Peyajkoli

The classic Bengali winter culinary fare is unimaginable without Peyajkoli or Onion Flower Stalk. They are not to be confused with spring onions. Bengalis know how to use peyajkoli to the fullest extent and enjoy this seasonal green. Thus, the list of recipes is limitless. 

Peyajkoli Alu Bhaja
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Peyajkoli Alu Bhaja

One meal that accurately reflects traditional Bengali cooking is Peyajkoli alu bhaja. It is the simplest recipe requiring only onion flower stalks and potatoes. A few people also add sliced onions to enhance the taste. Thinly slicing the potato helps them cook more quickly. 

Peyajkoli Begun Torkari
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Peyajkoli Begun Torkari

This peyajkoli and eggplant curry is a classic dish from a home kitchen in Bengal. As a complement to any Indian roti, this meal is a must-have. It goes well with cooked white rice. Coarsely ground vadis / dried lentil dumplings sprinkled on top of the meal create a satisfying crunch while also contributing to its excellent flavour.

Peyajkoli Mach
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Peyajkoli Mach

In the winter, when peyajkoli' or onion flower stalk is in plentiful supply at the market, many Bengali households prepare this delicious dish. The fish used in this meal is either rohu or katla. This delicacy requires only a few ingredients, and the preparation is simple. When served with steaming rice, peyajkoli mach or fish is heaven. One may use chara pona, pabda, bata and tengra fish as well. 

Peyajkoli Posto
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Peyajkoli Posto

It is a classic Bengali dish made with peyajkoli and a poppy seed paste that has been lightly spiced. The poppy seeds are soaked in warm water for a few hours to make a smooth paste. While cooking, if the peyajkoli posto gets too dry, sprinkle some water at the fag-end of the recipe. Prefer using mustard oil to keep this Bengali delicacy's authentic taste as possible. 

Aloo Chingri Peyajkoli Chorchori
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Aloo Chingri Peyajkoli Chorchori

This dish has only a handful of ingredients. Still, they all come together to create a delicious meal: shrimp, vegetables including onion flower stalk, and sautéed in garlic and mustard oil. You may substitute anchovies for the shrimp, or use any other seafood you like. Relish it with a plate of steaming rice, some dal, and a squeeze of lime.

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