Learn These Tips To Master Your Chichen Curry

A lot of patience, skill, and precision are needed when cooking. If you frequently cook, you are aware of the effort required to create a dish of perfection. There are many delicious Indian cuisines, but chicken curry is one that is enjoyed all over the nation. Making chicken curry may seem simple, but it also has a lot of potential for error. We've compiled a few quick pointers that will help you master the art of making the perfect chicken curry in order to assist you.  

Use Homemade Spice mix
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Use Homemade Spice mix

The secret to any curry's flavour is finding the right balance of its various masalas. While the majority of us use pre-made masalas, using freshly prepared spices can significantly improve the flavour of your chicken curry. 

Finely Chopped Onion and Tomato
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Finely Chopped Onion and Tomato

For every curry, tomatoes and onions serve as a thickening agent. Cut the onions and tomatoes into smaller pieces if you want a thick and rich chicken curry. Your gravy will be thicker the more fine the bits are. 

Sauté the Spices
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Sauté the Spices

When making chicken curry, most people also frequently forget to provide enough time for the masalas to sauté. Your chicken curry won't have the deep flavour you want if you tend to rush adding the spices. 

Follow the Order
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Follow the Order

You should first put oil, followed by whole spices, onions that are cooked until brown, and finally the ground spices. These should be mixed well and cooked for about 30 secs to a minute. 

Patience is the key
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Patience is the key

Curries need a lot of time and care to prepare. All of the flavours from the spices are effectively extracted through the slow cooking procedure. When the chicken pieces are finished cooking, do not immediately turn off the heat or the results won't be as good. 

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