Holi Thandai's Health Benefits You Didn't Know

Holi, one of India's many celebrations, is characterised by its need for adrenaline. It also demands celebrators to be carefree, as the expression "Bura na mano, Holi hai". Thandai matches such spirit. This traditional drink is made with almonds, milk, cardamom, black pepper, poppy seeds, watermelon seeds, fennel seeds, sugar, rose petals, and sometimes bhang. Did you know Holi thandai has many health benefits? It's good anytime, especially in summer

Improves Gut & Belly Health
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Improves Gut & Belly Health

Those with issues with a burning sensation in the stomach can relieve their symptoms by drinking thandai. So, a tumbler of thandai first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day. It helps get rid of the burning belly and keeps the abdomen cool at the same time. It facilitates bodily cooling and generally enhances gut health.

Rich In Beneficial Antioxidants
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Rich In Beneficial Antioxidants

Most of the components that go into making thandai are well-known for their beneficial effects on health. For instance, fennel seeds are renowned for the antioxidants that they contain. In a similar vein, these seeds also have characteristics that prevent flatulence and lower body temperature.

Maintains Cholesterol Levels
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Maintains Cholesterol Levels

Almond is one of the primary ingredients that go into making thandai. The health advantages of this nut have garnered a lot of praise. In addition to their ability to control cholesterol levels, almonds are considered to be an abundant source of vitamin E. It has a significantly lower calorie count than traditional milkshakes and carbonated soft drinks.

Lessens Summer Woes
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Lessens Summer Woes

During the summer months, people frequently experience issues such as dehydration, heatstroke, diarrhoea, and food poisoning. If you suffer from mouth ulcers or eye irritation, drinking thandai on a regular basis can help you avoid these unpleasant conditions.

An Excellent Coolant
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An Excellent Coolant

Thandai is a quick fix for your sweet tooth and thirst. This traditional Indian beverage is made in homes across the country at the start of summer and sipped through the warm weather. Also, because it contains rose water, watermelon, and fennel seeds, thandai is one of the most distinctive beverages that can be consumed to beat the heat.

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