Are You Including These Edible Leaves In Your Diet?

Many plants are very beneficial to us in various ways. It can be used to create scrumptious, healthful foods or as a potent treatment for illnesses. However, very few of us have searched for the most plentiful sources of healthful plant leaves. There are numerous plants that yield nutrient- and flavor-rich edible leaves. Let’s take a look at the nutritious eating leaves. 

Mint leaves
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Mint leaves

Mint leaves can assist you fight the bulge, did you know that? In addition to masking bad breath, it eases indigestion. It is abundant in phytonutrients and anti-oxidants. It is a wonderful source of calcium, phosphate, and vitamins C, D, E, and A that strengthen the immune system of the body. 

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While being high in vitamins A, K, and C, coriander is very low in calories. Strong antioxidants like vitamins A and C boost immunity. They are crucial for maintaining healthy skin and eyes. Heart and bone health are supported by vitamin K. Minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium are all abundant in coriander. 

Fenugreek Leaves
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Fenugreek Leaves

It improves one's general wellbeing because it is a rich source of phytonutrients and a number of antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and beta carotene. These leaves help with better glucose regulation and have a low glycemic index. Being a good source of calcium also aids in osteoporosis prevention. 

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Vitamin C, as well as other nutrients including vitamins A, K, and potassium, are abundant in lettuce. It improves heart health and fights inflammation. Lettuce has fibre that aids in weight loss and digestion. It encourages sound sleep and assists in calming the nervous system. 

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In terms of carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, and calcium, spinach is well recognised to be exceptionally rich. It is a good source of insoluble fibre, which promotes weight loss and better digestion. It has a lutein-containing component that makes eyes better. Both blood pressure and bone health are supported by it. 

Curry leaves
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Curry leaves

Curry leaves are generally avoided by most individuals, and that is a reality. Many people take it out of other foods like dal, rice, or poha. However, you need to avoid doing that immediately because these leaves are healthy. Curry leaves include microbiological and antibacterial qualities that help improve mouth health. They can also aid in the management of gastrointestinal problems, high cholesterol, and diabetes. 

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