Weight loss isn’t an easy process, and we know it. It isn’t the same for everyone too. Since everyone’s body is different, no one diet, ingredients, tips, and exercise can work the same for all. However, the internet, magazines, and social circles can fill us up with information and advice related to weight loss that may not always be true. It is a good thing that there is no dearth of information around weight loss and fitness in today's time, but one also needs to know and understand that there are several myths doing the rounds too. And the true challenge here is to differentiate the myths from facts and make a balanced plan for yourself in order to achieve weight loss goals. If you keep following all the information available to you from different sources, it might prove detrimental for your overall health.
To clear some general myths from the facts, here we are busting some so that you can achieve your weight loss goals without putting your overall health at risk.
1. Ruling out carbs completely
Carbohydrates are generally known to be weight inducing in the world of health and nutrition. For the unversed, carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient needed to sustain life as they supply energy to the brain. However, they can be classified under 'bad carbs' and 'good carbs'. While the former contains all your refined and processed goods, like white bread, refined-grain pasta, instant noodles etc., which tend to contribute to weight-gain, good carbs, on the other hand, are the ones rich in fibre. All your whole grain products, leafy green vegetables, and legumes are sources of good carbs. Good carbs take a while to digest, makes you feel satiated and keeps you away from overeating. This ultimately can assist your weight loss plan. Therefore, one must choose good carbs vs bad carbs instead of quashing carbs completely from the diet.
2. All fats are bad
Another nutrient with a bad reputation in the world of weight loss, fats are misjudged too. Similar to carbs, fats can also be categorised under 'good fats' and 'bad fats'. Good fats are essential for overall health and have several benefits including boosting skin health build. Cheese, avocado, olive oil are examples of good fats that are also known to do wonders for weight loss. They may be high on calories, but these calories are dense in nutrients. If you feel full, you would naturally binge less.
3. Cut out on all snacks
Always remember that snacking is not a problem, but what you choose to snack on can affect your weight loss regimen in a big way. If you choose heavily fried, sugary or processed foods to snack on, it would obviously generate huge amounts of empty calories that would turn into fats. But if you choose healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts, oats or a protein shake, it may help you shed a pound or two. Even while healthy snacking, remembering portions is key.
4. Starving may speed up weight loss
Never follow fad diets, especially the ones that claim that skipping meals can lead to weight loss. No amount of starving and skipping meals can lead to healthy weight loss. It is not a sustainable strategy. The longer you stay away from food, the more you will eat once you break away, that too in great quantity-leading to calorie overload. On the other hand, eating healthy in moderate amounts at regular intervals, can keep you satiated for longer spells. Make sure to practise portion control and also ensure a thorough check on the kind of food that you are eating. Instead of munching on fried chips, grab a fruit or nuts.
Always remember that weight loss is a time-consuming process. One shouldn’t rush into it, as it only makes you fall for false claims and myths. A very important factor is to take heed of your dietary requirements. Do not make any major alteration without consulting an expert. It could do more harm than good. Always, seek expert advice before making any changes to your lifestyle or diet.