Green Chilli Halwa From Calicut Grabs The Internet’s Attention

The chewy, fudgy delicacy of Calicut halwa has been a popular offering for many generations. Typically made using a combination of sugar, flour, milk, coconut oil and fruit pulp, the halwa – also known as Kozhikode halwa – is best known for its red and black variations. The traditional sweet treat was all over the internet recently, and not for the popularity it commands but because of an unusual variation catching the eye of social media users. A video showing the making of the halwa surfaced but left viewers wondering about how much weirder food combinations could get.

Kicking off the Calicut halwa making by adding logs of wood to a fire pit, the maker adds a large batch of chopped green chillies to a deep pot and follows with sugar, green food colouring, milk and coconut oil, to let the mixture coagulate into a sticky mass. He then portions the bright green sweetmeat, transfers them to moulds and uses a wooden hammer to beat the delicacy into shape. The block is then unmoulded to show the final output.

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While some netizens argued that eating the halwa might not be the best idea for their stomach, a few others were intrigued by the novelty of the preparation. Netizens went so far as to brand the halwa as poison due to the amount of spice it could potentially contain, while some wondered if the sweet or spicy taste might be dominant. Priced at ₹ 120, the video garnered over a million views in no time. Tell us in the comments if you would try out this unique halwa and what you think of this new viral food combination.