The 5 Things To Remember While Storing Vegetables And Fruits
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Storing your food is a great way to make sure that the food you have cooked or ordered doesn’t go to waste, preserve resources, and, of course, save your money. It is a good practice that allows you to have food in hand whenever you feel like eating something but aren’t in the zone to cook something.

All you have to do is simply cook in large batches and have the leftover food whenever you want to, which is perfect for working professionals who cannot dedicate their time daily to cooking. But despite all the benefits, there are still some common food storage mistakes that ruin your food, which we will discuss in this article below. So, to make sure that your food stays fresh and healthy, avoid these common errors.

Rinse Vegetables And Fruits Before Refrigerating

Although it may be tempting to rinse fruits and vegetables before keeping them in the refrigerator, this is not the best strategy for extending shelf life. Moisture promotes the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and mould, even at refrigerator temperatures.

 Fruits and vegetables should be stored in their original packaging or transferred to a different container, depending on the kind of product. It is ideal to wash vegetables right before you are ready to consume or cook them.

Store Vegetables Properly In The Fridge

We frequently keep veggies in the refrigerator immediately after purchasing them from the market. However, this is not as it should be because each vegetable requires distinct storage conditions.

While potatoes and onions should not be stored in the refrigerator, vegetables such as carrots, radishes, and cauliflower should be stored without being wrapped in plastic or paper bags. Then come the green veggies. Ideally, the greens should be washed, rinsed well, and kept in zip-lock bags when they have completely dried.

Cover The Cooked Food

Who among us doesn't keep leftovers in the refrigerator? But when keeping food, we frequently forget to cover it. To prevent the growth of bacteria in the food, cooked meals must be properly packaged. The cooked food becomes contaminated, increasing the likelihood of the other items placed next to it going bad if it is left exposed.

Storing Eggs On The Refrigerator Door

You can throw away the egg carton and keep eggs handy with refrigerators that have an egg tray built into the door. But don't use it, as keeping eggs in this location might jeopardise food safety. 

The temperature of the eggs rises when the door is opened, which occurs regularly, even though eggs must be kept at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below to be fresh. This puts them in the dangerous temperature range of 40 to 140 degrees, where germs such as Salmonella may proliferate rapidly. Eggs should be kept in the refrigerator's coldest section, which is usually the rear of the lowest shelf.

Set The Refrigerator At The Right Temperature

Do you find your food spoiling too soon or feeling frozen in the fridge? The problem could not be where or what you're keeping, but that you haven't set the proper temperature for your refrigerator. Your refrigerator's temperature should not exceed 40° F (target for 35° to 38° F), and the freezer's temperature should be less than 0.