The 5 Foods To Avoid Pairing With Your Glass Of Milk
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We've always been told that milk is super healthy and good for us. Well, it turns out that there are some foods that don't really get along well with them. It's kind of surprising, right? We've always been taught to drink milk with almost everything, but it seems like that's not the best idea.

Some food combinations with milk can actually cause tummy troubles, mess with nutrient absorption, or even trigger allergies. So, in this article, we're going to dive into those not-so-friendly foods to avoid teaming up with our beloved milk. Being aware of these combos can help us make sure our dairy delights are always a happy and beneficial experience for our bodies. Let's get into it!

The Foods That You Shouldn't Team Up With Milk:


The imbalance this combination produces is believed to cause the body to undergo chemical changes. In the case of fish and milk, the belief is that the fish's "heating" properties can clash with the milk's "cooling" properties. This can lead to gas, bloating, and other digestive problems.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this belief. It is essential to note that individual dietary preferences, intolerances, or allergies should be taken into consideration when planning meals. Some individuals may be lactose intolerant or allergic to fish, and in such cases, avoiding the combination would be necessary for their specific health needs.


Since forever, milk and banana have been promoted as a healthy pairing, but is this really the case? According to one theory, it is believed that bananas and milk are both high in protein, and eating them together on their own can overload the body's ability to digest protein. This may lead to stomach upset and bloating. The best way to know if bananas and milk are right for you is to experiment and see how you feel.

If you do experience any negative effects after eating them together, then it is best to avoid this combination. This may have to be consumed separately, or with a gap between the two, as part of a healthy and balanced diet because it may also produce weariness. The majority of us prefer a banana milkshake to increase our protein intake, yet this is the reason why you might end up feeling bloated all day.

Citrus Fruits

There is a popular belief that citrus fruits and milk should not be consumed together because they can curdle the milk. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. However, some people may find that they experience stomach upset after consuming citrus fruits and milk together. This is because citrus fruits are acidic and milk is alkaline.

When these two foods are mixed together, they can create a chemical reaction that can lead to stomach upset. If you are prone to stomach upset, it is best to avoid consuming citrus fruits and milk together. However, if you do not experience any problems digesting these foods separately, then you are likely fine eating them together. 


Raw Eggs are another food that should not be eaten with milk. This is because raw eggs contain a protein called avidin, which can bind to vitamin B7 (biotin) in milk and make it difficult for the body to absorb. This can increase cholesterol levels and accumulate fat in the body. It can also lead to symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, and skin problems. Eating cooked eggs with milk is believed to be safe for consumption. 


Radish, or mooli, typically has no severe adverse effects. However, the belief is that the radish's sharp, pungent flavour can irritate the stomach lining, while the milk's cooling properties can slow down digestion. This can lead to gas, bloating, and other digestive problems. According to Ayurveda, milk should not be consumed after radish because the two foods are incompatible.