Ramadan 2022: What To Eat For Suhoor
Image Credit: Instagram/mylebanonguide

Suhoor is the meal fasting Muslims eat before sunrise during the Holy month of Ramadan. While iftar is the evening meal that the fast is broken with, suhoor helps those who are fasting sustain themselves throughout the day. Suhoor is usually supposed to be lighter than the iftar meal and forms an important part of Ramadan mornings, during which observant Muslims wake up before the sun comes out to nourish themselves for the day ahead. 

Here are some foods you may incorporate into suhoor that will sustain you until it’s time for iftar:

Vegetables and fruits

Since suhoor is supposed to be a light meal, fruits and vegetables are the ideal choice for it. Apart from keeping those who are fasting energised, they also work to keep you hydrated, which is very important since even water is forbidden during the Ramadan fast. Fruits may be eaten on their own or different ones may be mixed into a refreshing salad, and the same goes for vegetables. 


An excellent source of fibre, oats help you feel fuller for longer and are hence a good food item to add to your suhoor. They may be prepared in different ways, including savoury or sugary, and eaten along with vegetables or fruits (savoury oats may have chopped vegetables incorporated into them and sweet oats may be topped with fruits like strawberries, blueberries or banana). Oats may even be used to prepare other dishes and drinks like smoothies.


Eggs are versatile and most importantly, rich in protein. They compensate for all the hours those who are fasting don’t eat. Different egg preparations may be tried for suhoor, be it omelettes, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs or fried eggs. Accompanied by bread, eggs can make a filling morning meal that’s not too heavy and also keeps you full for a long time. Boiled eggs may also be chopped and used in salads. 


Nuts make a nourishing suhoor when paired with milk or yogurt. They may also be eaten on their own with multiple glasses of water to keep you satiated and hydrated throughout the day. Different varieties of nuts like salted, spiced or candied ones are available in the market. These can even be prepared at home, by dry roasting them and adding a bit of salt, chilli powder or honey. 

Lean meat like chicken, or fish

Chicken or fish may usually be reserved for heavier meals like lunch and dinner, but Ramadan fasts don’t discriminate. Nutritious and filling, lean meat like chicken can be an excellent source of protein in the morning without being too heavy. Fish, as long as it's not fried, is very healthy and also an easy way to feel like you’ve eaten something of your choice if you enjoy it.