Many of us mistakenly think that Khus is the same as Khus Khus. And indeed, they are very distinct from one another! Khus, also known as natural vitriver, is a fragrant grass with a sweet aroma that is frequently used in cosmetics, cooking, and other household products. Khus, also known as poppy seeds, is a product of the opium poppy plant and has culinary purposes.
Asia is the natural home of vetiver, also known as khus in Urdu. Grass that may reach a height of 150 centimetres is called vetiver (5 ft). Khus Khus, in contrast, is an oilseed that is derived from the poppy flower. Poppy is mostly grown in India, Russia, Egypt, and many other nations, but its origins are in the Western Mediterranean area of Europe.
Khus is a tall grass with leaves that can grow up to 300 cm long. Similar to lemongrass, which has been prized for its aroma since ancient times, it has a deep earthy, woodsy scent. Poppy seeds, also known as khus khus, are extremely tiny seeds that are much smaller than mustard seeds and are both dull white and black in colour.
Vitamin A, B, C, and other vitamins and minerals are abundant in khus. However, it lacks protein, whereas khus khus are filled with proteins, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, making them a valuable ingredient in foods. Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for growth and metabolism, are abundant in poppy seeds.
Khus is renowned for its calming and cooling properties, which aid in reducing all kinds of inflammation. It is particularly effective at reducing inflammation in the neurological and circulatory systems. Additionally, it strengthens the immune system, treats acne, improves skin health, and relaxes the mind. On the other side, Khus Khus possesses analgesic qualities and is hence a component of painkillers. Additionally, it alleviates sleeplessness and strengthens the neurological, respiratory, and cardiac systems.
The khus plant helps to keep the soil stable by reducing soil erosion. Khus oil is used to alleviate sleeplessness and is frequently used to cosmetics and soaps for its sweet scent. It is also used to make fragrances and room fresheners. It can be used in cooking, too. Due to its cooling qualities, it has historically been used to make sherbet. It is a crucial component in Mughlai cookery and is also included in a number of desserts and beverages. Especially in North and Eastern India, khus khus is used to prepare a variety of foods. It also goes by the names Posto or Posta Dana and is a component of many well-known recipes, including Aloo Posto, Raskadam, Posta Dana Chicken, and Poste ka Halwa.
Artificial green colour and preservatives are used in the manufacturing of the khus syrup that is sold in marketplaces. Therefore, we have got a natural, organic, and healthful sharbat recipe. Start by cutting the roots from the grass of the khus plant with kitchen scissors before pouring a glass of this cooler. Wash them thoroughly, slice the grass and roots, and let them soak in water all night. Gather this water, throw away the roots, and then sweeten it. The sugar will dissolve while the extract is heated. Turn off the flame after the extract becomes sticky and allow it to cool to room temperature. Your wonderful, cooling sharbat is ready when you combine ¼ part of the khus syrup with water.