Healthy morning drink: This 3-ingredient recipe will ease digestive issues

Want to feel fresh and energetic every morning? If your daily cup of tea or coffee is not doing the trick, you can try replacing it with a healthy alternative like this 3-ingredient drink, suggested by an Ayurveda expert.

Apart from boosting your energy levels, this daily drink also promises to speed up metabolism and fix all your digestive issues.

"This super simple and easy 3-ingredient recipe relieves all digestive issues from bloating, loss of appetite, heaviness of abdomen to constipation," says Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar.

Here's the recipe:


Curry leaves

Mint leaves and

Fresh ginger (adrak)/ Dry ginger powder (shonth)


* Take a glass of water (per person) in a vessel and put it on a stove.

* Add 7-10 curry leaves and a handful of mint leaves along with an inch of fresh ginger or 1 tsp of shonth (dry ginger powder)- whatever suits you best.

* Boil this mixture for good 5-7 minutes, strain and sip it while it's warm.

Health benefits

Dr Bhavsar also lists health benefits of having this drink every day:

* Mint is best for all seasons. It helps with cold and cough, acidity, gas, bloating, indigestion, detox, acne, sinusitis, constipation and more.

* Curry leaves are packed with carbohydrates, fibre, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper and vitamins C, A, B and E. It possesses anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheal, antioxidant, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, antihypertensive, antiulcer, antibacterial, cholesterol-reducing and many more useful medicinal properties.

* Ginger is best for all digestive issues. It is known as Vishwabhesaja (universal medicine). Ginger does not only support your agni but leaves you with a healthy, happy digestion which will burn the buildup of ama (toxins) in your body. Thus, you will be able to better absorb nutrients from your food.