When life gives you lemons, don’t just squeeze it and throw away the peel! Make the most of the lemon peel too for your health’s sake!
We all are well aware of the numerous health benefits and usage of lemon, which makes a key ingredient in our kitchen and refrigerator. That refreshing glass of lemonade, and a plate of freshly cut salad are all but incomplete without a tinge of lemon. It is a taste enhancer with high nutritional value.
And while lemon can be used in endless forms, its peel often finds its way to the dustbin. Ladies, think before you discard this wonder food!
Do you wonder why?
Lemon is a versatile fruit. From its pulp to the peel – it is nutritive overall because it is rich in antioxidants and has a very high level of Vitamin C.
In fact, dry lemon peel can be a great component for your skin, body nourishment, bakery, drink and can be a handy product in the house for cleansing and fragrance.
Ashish Rani, Clinical Dietitian, HCMCT Manipal Hospitals, tells HealthShots, “Vitamins, minerals, and fibre are found in lemon peel, and all of these have a variety of health benefits. The peel of a lemon, in fact, has more nutrients than the fruit or juice.”

The expert explains the benefits of lemon peel:
1. Weight loss:
Lemon peels can be used in ample ways that can aid in weight loss. They are able to do so because they contain a substance called pectin. Pectin is a substance that aids in weight loss in the body
2. Common oral issues
Lemon peels are high in citric acid, which helps to compensate for Vitamin C deficiency and so aids in the treatment of common oral issues. It possesses antibacterial characteristics that may prevent the growth of germs that cause oral illnesses.
3. Heart and relatable diseases:
Lemon peel contains flavonoids, vitamin C, and pectin, which may help to protect the heart by decreasing blood cholesterol levels and other heart disease risk factors.
4. Boosts immunity:
It contains antioxidants such as D-limonene and vitamin C, which support your immune system and lower your disease risk. Lemon peels, like other citrus fruits, contain vitamin C, which can help your immune system stay healthy. If you’re starting to feel a little under the weather, adding lemon peel into your meals or even your tea might help give your body the boost it needs to get through.
5. Have anticancer properties:
A study from Arizona University revealed that consumption of black tea with lemon peel reduced the risk of cancer by 70 percent. They have Salvestrol Q40 and limonene, which are known to fight against cancerous cells.
Lemon peel is organic, and it needs proper storage methods. Rani suggests the ways you can store lemon peel. She explains how you can prepare dry lemon peel at home:
- You can zest or peel the lemons
- You can store the lemon zest in a deep freeze with a zip top plastic bag or you can dry store it.
- Or you can dry the peels in the oven or on the counter
Lemon zest can be added to teas. Image courtesy: Shutterstock After preparing the zest, you can use it in numerous ways in your daily routine. Here are 8 usage suggested by Rani:
- Prepare lemon tea and many other drinks like mojitos.
- Use it in bakery items for decoration or bake a lemon cake.
Prepare pancakes. - Use in gravies to give a tangy punch.
- Add in soups, or prepare a soup for citric flavor.
- Fridge deodorizer. Scoop out the lemon from the peel and add some salt into it.
- You can put this in any corner so as to make your fridge feel fresh.
- Prepare face packs for glowing skin.
- Store as a pickle.