Espresso To Bulletproof: 10 Coffee Drinks For Breakfast
Image Credit: Different people like different types of coffee | Unsplash

For many of us, coffee is the morning elixir that helps us start our day. We need a cup of coffee to function better in the morning. The drink seems to magically cure our stubborn morning blues. A cup of coffee, with a newspaper and some quiet time – there can be no better start to the morning. 

But why settle for the same old cup of joe when there are countless delightful coffee variations to explore? Coffee lovers have a world of options when it comes to breakfast beverages. Whether you're a black coffee purist or prefer something sweet and creamy, there's something for every coffee enthusiast. Start your day right by trying out these 10 coffee creations we are going to suggest and discover your new morning favourite.


Recipe - Compound Coffee Co.

Let's start with the basics. Espresso is the foundation for many coffee drinks. It's a concentrated shot of coffee made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans. This bold, rich, and intense brew is perfect for those who prefer a straightforward coffee experience. A lot of coffee enthusiasts prefer espresso because you can fully appreciate the taste of the coffee here. You can pair sweet biscottis with espresso for a god balance.


If you want to dilute the intensity of an espresso without losing the coffee flavour, try an Americano. It's made by adding hot water to a shot of espresso, resulting in a smoother, milder coffee. This is a breakfast favourite as it really wakes you up and gives you the energy to function in the morning. Pairing an Americano with a toast such as egg or avocado is a good option.


Recipe - Coffee to Art

For a safe choice and a balanced taste, blend espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam and get yourself the beloved cappuccino. It's a perfect choice for those who enjoy a creamy coffee with a frothy crown. One of the most popular coffee drinks, cappuccino is great for the time you just want to sip on your coffee and enjoy me time. Pairing it with bagel is a great idea.


If you prefer a milkier coffee experience, a latte should be your go-to choice. It features espresso and steamed milk in a 1:3 ratio, delivering a smooth, mild flavour with a comforting and velvety texture. New coffee drinkers usually prefer latte and start with this variety. A chocolaty and buttery croissant along with latte is a match made in heaven!


Recipe - Seven Miles Coffee Roasters

Craving something sweet for breakfast? Indulge your sweet tooth with a mocha, which is a yummy fusion of espresso and steamed milk, with rich chocolate. It's like having dessert for breakfast, making it an excellent choice for anyone who likes to sip on to their sweets first thing in the morning. For a sweet-on-sweet treat – pair mocha with cookies and for a contrast of flavours, go for a chilli toast.


A macchiato is an espresso "stained" with a dollop of frothy milk or milk foam. This creates a fun and exciting contrast between the robust coffee and the slight creaminess of the foam. Having a macchiato is a simple yet sophisticated choice, that would be best complimented by adding a bagel with cream cheese to make a breakfast meal.

Flat White:

Originally from Down Under, the flat white is gaining popularity worldwide. It consists of espresso and velvety steamed milk in almost equal parts, creating a creamy yet strong coffee with a distinct microfoam texture. It is different from cappuccino because it has more espresso than milk and a thinner microfoam layer. Combine it with a quiche or sandwich for a hearty breakfast.

Cold Brew:

Recipe - Joshua Weissman

For a refreshing morning experience, try cold brew coffee. It's made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for an extended period. The result is a low-acid, smooth, and highly caffeinated coffee that's perfect over ice. It is a drink perfect for warm mornings when you need to cool down a bit. A cool smoothie bowl or chia pudding can be perfect with cold brew.

Vietnamese Coffee: 

Do you want something cold, sweet but not the regular cold coffee which is just a watered-down sweet drink? This version of a cooler coffee drink will blow your mind. Vietnamese iced coffee is made with dark roast coffee, condensed milk and lots of ice. This rich coffee drink pairs beautifully with waffles or pancakes for a wholesome breakfast meal.

Bulletproof Coffee:

Looking for a high-energy boost? Bulletproof coffee, gaining popularity worldwide, might be the answer to that question! This coffee variety combines coffee and ghee or clarified butter to create a creamy, frothy concoction that's delicious for sure, but also provides long-lasting energy and mental clarity. This coffee is usually not accompanied by a snack as it works best on an empty stomach.