Craving For a Quick Meal Led to Origin of This Lesser-Known Salad
Image Credit: Cobb Salad (Picture Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Salad is something that I am always willing to have only if somebody can make it for me. Otherwise, I simply ignore the idea of relishing a bowl of salad. For many, salad is an essential part of their daily diet. These people mostly include fitness enthusiasts. For me, it’s my mother who always emphasis having salad at least once a day even though she herself doesn’t abide by that sometimes. Anyway, don’t you feel that anything that can be quick to make is made frequently at home? Time constraint is one of the major reasons why most people look for recipes that can be made in just 2 or 5 minutes. After all, cooking is any day better than ordering from a restaurant. Today, I have come up with an easy-to-make salad recipe. I am talking about the lesser-known Cobb salad. Before telling you its recipe, let’s know a bit about it in detail. 

Cobb Salad

This quintessential American salad is all about nutrition and deliciousness. Filled with an array of mouth-watering flavours, Cobb salad is not just perfect for your palates but also a treat to your eyes. It is made with a mix of creamy blue cheese, chicken, boiled eggs, fresh greens, and chives. What’s worth talking about it is its dressing which is made by the amalgamation of red wine vinaigrette, mild spices, and Dijon mustard. 

Cobb Salad (Picture Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Enough of the history! Let’s now straight away get to its recipe.