Ain’t it amazing to get some of the best kiwis, cherry and walnut from the world at your table? Off late post the pandemic and the rise to eat and consume immunity booster food the demand for kiwi fruits, cherries and more from Chile has seen a higher rise. This small little country situated along the the western seaboard of South America, is playing a vital role to give Indian some of the most exotic fruits that are been happily accepted by the market. Chile’s weather condition makes most contusive for growing of these exotic fruits.
Chile happens to be the largest exporters of Kiwifruit in the world and the local farmers have always made sure that the consumers get great quality product. Mr. Sumit Saran, Director of SS Associates, a food marketing and consulting firm specialising in launching International foods in India says “Chile is bestowed with a unique topography. The country is protected by natural barriers on all four sides - the Atacama Desert in the North, Antarctic cold weather in the South, The Andes mountains to the East and the Pacific ocean to the West. This makes Chile a phytosanitary island and creates a paradise for growing of high-quality fruits and nuts. The Chilean trade organizations like ASOEX with the support of Chilean government agencies like ProChile are now putting together marketing campaigns to make Indian consumers aware about its products and their attributes. The three most popular Chilean foods in the Indian market are Walnuts, Cherries and Kiwifruit. They are all getting promoted in the Indian market and getting great consumer traction. Also over the years, Chilean wines are making a distinct presence on Indian shelves”
Chile is known to exports more than 2.6 million tons of fruit annually to more than 100 countries across the globe. Over the years, India is becoming a very important destination for Chilean foods. Indians are slowly getting a taste of Chilean foods and are beginning to appreciate the quality that Chilean produce brings. Chile is now the leading supplier of Kiwifruits, Cherries and Walnuts to the Indian market. ChileNut, the grower and exporter association of Chilean walnuts with the support of ProChile. Ms. Marcela Zúñiga Alegría, Trade Commissioner of ProChile, New Delhi is of the opinion that “Chile has unique natural conditions that allows it to grow very high-quality walnuts that are renowned across the globe. I am sure Indian consumers will love the taste of these walnuts that are preferred across the world,”
Full of dietary fibers these fruits are also topping the food trend in Indian metros at the moment. From time-to-time ProChile has also been doing interesting events in the capital in association with renowned chef to like Manish Mehrotra, Vicky Ratnani and more to mark the arrival of Chilean Cherries in India. The three most popular Chilean foods that the Indian market have seen are Walnuts, Cherries and Kiwifruit. They are all getting promoted in the Indian market and getting great consumer traction too. Also over the years, Chilean wines are making a distinct presence on Indian shelves and also it’s seen that India has emerged as one of the fastest growing markets for these exotic Chilean fruits.