Children's Day recipe: Oats and chia smoothie will be kids favourite breakfast

You can't buy happiness but this Children's Day you can certainly restore your kid's body to factory settings with a drool-worthy and healthy recipe of oats and chia smoothie and that is close enough. Watch this delicious oats and chia smoothie become your kids' instant favourite breakfast and thank us later.


1 ripe banana

1/2 avocado or 5-6 fully ripe strawberries

1/2 cup milk (dairy or nut milk of your choice)

2 tbsp white Oats

1 tbsp chia

1 tbsp peanut butter

Cinnamon powder (optional)

Honey or any other natural sweetener (optional)



Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend on high speed for half a minute until you reach a smooth consistency. Enjoy!

(Recipe: Chef Deepak Shirur - Consulting Chef at Bagrry's)


Bananas, whether mashed or otherwise, help lower the level of stress as they are rich in potassium which is an essential mineral needed to regulate water balance, acidity level and blood pressure.

Avocado is rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, a host of vitamins and minerals including magnesium, B-6 and folate. Adding avocados in your daily diet can help improve gut health as the dietary fibre and monounsaturated fat in them impacts the microbes in the gastrointestinal system.

Apart from making one feel full and reducing blood cholesterol concentration, avocados consumption reduced bile acids and increased short-chain fatty acids. It is an energy-dense and nutrient-dense nicely packaged fruit that contains potassium and fibre that are important for health.

Strawberries are sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free, low-calorie food and are packed with fibres and vitamins. They protect the heart by increasing HDL which is good cholesterol, guard against cancer and lower the blood pressure.

As for oats, apart from being rich in antioxidants and being incredibly nutritious, they can improve blood sugar control, can lower cholesterol levels and protects LDL Cholesterol from damage. Its soluble fiber beta-glucan aids in digestion, keeps the stomach satiated, keeps hunger pangs at bay while keeping one full.

Loaded with cell-protecting antioxidants, chia seeds deliver a massive amount of nutrients with very few calories and are a good source of minerals like calcium. They help prevent constipation by providing insoluble fibre, which along with the protein content helps one to lose weight.

Peanut butter may help with weight loss and boost heart health when eaten in moderation and as part of an overall healthful diet. Rich in a variety of nutrients peanut butter can reduce the risk of breast disease, manage blood sugar levels and aide in bodybuilding when eaten a spoonful or two per day, as per your doctor or dietitian’s consult.