8 Bengali Winter Desserts To Relish This Season
Image Credit: Patishapta pithe, Shutterstock

Festivities abound in Bengal during the winter months. The Bongs are in a particularly merry mood right now due to the abundance of upcoming celebrations (picnics, parties, and winter break). There's no denying that Bengal enjoys a milder winter than many other states. However, Bengalis still feast on an array of seasonal delicacies that adds to their happiness, like pithe, payesh, sweets, nolen gur, notun gur (freshly prepared jaggery), and many more. Try these eight sweets if you find yourself in West Bengal in the winter and are looking to fulfil your sweet craving.


Without Patishapta, the Bengali Poush Parbon event wouldn't be the same. The dessert is easy and simple to make. Patishapta are thin pancakes stuffed with caramelised grated coconut or sandesh, and they can be made with either refined flour or all-purpose flour and semolina. Blended with grated coconut, Nolen Gur creates a delectable treat. It's versatile enough to be made for either breakfast or a snack.

Nolen Gurer Payesh

An easy winter dessert is Nolen Gurer Payesh. Date palm jaggery is the secret ingredient in this scrumptious rice kheer. The rice pudding is luxuriously smooth, creamy, and rich. The sweetness of the Gobindobhog Rice is brought out with just the proper quantity of Nolen Gur/jaggery, fresh milk, and heaps of dry fruits like cashews, raisins, and almonds. Payesh is an essential part of any Bengali birthday celebration.

Nolen Gurer Rosogolla

Nolen gurer rasogolla, Image Source: Facebook

Nolen Gurer Rasogolla is one of Kolkata's most famous desserts. Plus, the gur or jaggery makes this dish more of a wintertime treat than a year-round staple. The only difference is that the Nolen Gurer Rosh/Jaggery syrup has been baked into the cottage cheese balls (chana). If you eat it hot, it's like eating nirvana. Nolen gur is also known as liquid date jaggery and jhola gur. 

Ranga Alur Pantua

Ranga alur pantua, Image Source: ahomemakersdiary

Sweet potatoes are a go-to winter thing in every Bengali household. Incredibly, all the culinary creativity overflows when it comes about making sweets. Thus, arrives Ranga Alur Pantua or sweet potato dumplings. The recipes vary for the sweet syrup in which the pantuas are dunked. The older generation prefers to use used date palm jaggery or nolen gur, another winter speciality. The syrup is made using it. While the other goes for sugar syrup and flavour with green cardamom. Since Ranga Alu is naturally sweet, one can adjust the sweetness of the syrup according to taste. Enjoy it warm.

Bengali Dudh Puli

Dudh pulis are milk-braised rice dumplings with a crescent moon shape and filling. Putting in some Nolen Gur or date palm jaggery alters the flavour. The rice flour dough's only filling is a caramelised coconut mixture. The consumption of Dudh Puli Pithe marks the Bengali Poush Sankranti.

Bhapa Pithe

Bhapa pithe, Image Source: anur_angan@Instgram

The sweet Bengali treat known as Bhapa Pithe will satisfy any sweet tooth. The texture of the snack is smooth and varied. This simple meal calls for simply rice flour, coconut, and Nolen Gur/jaggery. The only thing one needs to do is steam some rice flour with some coconut and jaggery. Both the sweetness and the healthiness of this dish are harmoniously balanced.

Ranga Alur Puli

One variant of Pithe is the Ranga Aloor Puli or Fried Sweet Potato Dumplings in Jaggery Syrup (seasonal Bengali sweets). During the colder months in Bengal, it is customary to prepare a special Pithe. The dish's primary components are rice flour, maida (refined flour), suji (semolina), and a filling made of coconut jaggery/Nolen Gur. This candy takes the form of a shell.

Joynagarer Moa

A seasonal treat, Joynagarer Moa, is delicious. Joynagar, in the South 24 Parganas district, is the birthplace of this unique dessert. It's a popular sweet among locals in West Bengal due to its distinct flavour. Date palm jaggery, Kanakchur Khoi (puffed rice), cashew nuts, and raisins fill this delectable treat. The Joynagarer Moa is an absolute must after breakfast. You can purchase this treat at any of Kolkata's many sweet stores.