6 Simple Kitchen Tips To Keep A Tea Strainer Clean
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Tea drinking is a very famous custom in India. Tea is consumed for a variety of purposes, from curing headaches to getting some energy, and even during celebratory occasions. In different parts of India, one will find different types of tea being brewed and consumed by people. Drinking a delicious cup of tea is the most satisfying experience ever. 

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Before drinking tea, it is generally strained with the help of a tea strainer. This removes all the different types of spices and the raw tea leaves that are used to brew tea. As most people do not like these particles coming into their drink, it is generally removed with the help of a strainer. Cleaning a tea strainer properly can be a hard task. However, one can always have a clean tea strainer with the help of these six tips.

* Use Steel Tea Strainer

One must always use a steel tea strainer because it is always better than a plastic tea strainer. Although plastic ones are generally available for a cheaper price, their quality is always susceptible. Because of their low quality, one has to wash them very carefully; otherwise, they break off easily. Using a silver or brass tea strainer is always better as it is easier to clean them than a plastic one. Steel tea strainers have a better grip and get cleaned easily.

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* Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective cleaning agent that is used for cleaning different parts of the kitchen. Tea strainer falls in the category of utensils that can be cleaned effectively with the help of baking soda. To wash a tea strainer, one simply has to mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 4 to 5 tablespoons of warm water. This mixture has to be poured carefully on the top of a tea strainer, and the strainer should then be washed under cold water. One can use an old toothbrush to make sure that all the parts of a tea strainer are washed properly. This step will help in getting rid of even the most stubborn stains. 

* Bleach Solution 

A bleaching solution is another effective ingredient that can be used to clean the tea strainer properly. To make a mixture from a bleaching solution, one has to mix 1 teaspoon of bleach and one cup of cold water. The tea strainer has to be immersed in the bleaching solution for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Then, a toothbrush or a similar product can be used to clean the tea strainer properly. After doing it, one can wash the tea strainer under water for some time until all the bleach comes off.

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* Diluted Alcohol

Diluted Alcohol is also an effective cleaning ingredient. It can easily remove dirt and stains. The water and alcohol mixture has to be mixed in a ratio of 4:1. The tea strainer has to be immersed in the mixture overnight. Keeping it immersed in the liquid overnight will ensure that all kinds of stains or bacteria accumulation are tackled. In the morning, one can simply clean it with some cold water and a brush. This is an effective remedy, but one has to make sure that the ratio of water and alcohol is perfect as prescribed.

* Keeping On Gas Burner

Keeping the tea strainer on the gas burner to clean properly is another great way of removing all the possible stains from the strainer. This doesn't require one to use any extra material or ingredients. The heat will burn the residues of tea or milk that might be present on the strainer. One has to make sure that the flame is not too high. Once it is done, take the strainer from the flame and, with the help of a dishwashing liquid, clean it properly. One will see that all the stubborn stains and food that is accumulated inside the strainer will come off from the strainer very easily. 

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* Lemon Juice

Using lemon juice to clean the strainer is another effective way of making sure that the tea strainer is cleaned properly. One can simply cut the lemon in half and rub it over the tea strainer until all the dirt starts coming off. Focus, especially on the area where there is a large buildup of stains or leftover food. Do not rub too vigorously, but apply the needed pressure. After the juice of a lemon has been used properly, rinse the strainer under some cold running water.