With this sweltering heat, something you find comfort in is a bowl of ice cream. Ice cream is that luscious and delicious dessert that finds its way to the hearts of both kids and adults. Besides, you can savour on ice cream ranging from vanilla to chocolate to wasabi.
For a later indulgence, you must have often brought a box of chocolate ice cream and stored it in the freezer. Storing ice cream seems to be a simple task – putting it in the freezer and enjoying it whenever you like. Not so! Storing ice cream can be tricky if you want to indulge in a soft and fresh one. You must be aware that ice cream is a dairy product that is prone to spoilage. If you’re someone who struggles with storing ice cream properly, then worry not. This article will provide you with a list of mistakes that should be avoided to prevent ice cream spoilage. Take a look:
- Storing In The Door Of The Freezer
Do you know that the door of the freezer is the warmest part of the freezer? This is because the door is subjected to more temperature fluctuation as it is opened and closed. Thus, it is advisable not to store ice cream in the door of the freezer. If stored, the ice cream is exposed to varying temperatures, leading to freezer burn and loss of quality. Instead, store ice cream at the back of the freezer where the temperature remains consistent.
- Allowing Ice Cream To Thaw And Refreeze Repeatedly
This can be considered one of the quickest ways to ruin the texture of ice cream. When ice cream melts and refreezes, it leads to the formation of ice crystals that result in a gritty texture. To prevent this, scoop out as much ice cream as you want and put the box immediately into the freezer. You must not leave ice cream out at room temperature for an extended period of time.
- Using Improper Containers
It is important to take note of the container in which ice cream is stored as it can alter the quality of the ice cream. Avoid using containers with shallow lids or those made of materials that are not freezer-friendly, as they can lead to freeze burns and absorption of odours from other foods in the freezer. Choose air-tight containers that are specifically used to store ice cream. You can also use original packing with a layer of plastic wrap to prevent air exposure.
- Not Sealing The Container Properly
If you ask one enemy of ice cream, then know that is air exposure. When ice cream is exposed to air it develops ice crystals and loses its creamy texture. After you scoop out ice cream, make sure that the container is tightly sealed, thus preventing air from entering. You can also wrap plastic directly on the surface of the ice cream before replacing the lid to create an extra barrier against freezer burns.
- Storing Ice Cream Near Strong-Smelling Foods
You shouldn’t store ice cream near pungent food. Ice cream being a dairy product absorbs the surrounding smell, resulting in off-flavours that detract from its taste. Avoid storing ice cream near strong smelly foods such as fish, onions, or garlic. If possible, designate a place in the freezer to store ice cream to minimise the risk of odour contamination.
- Ignoring The Recommended Storage Temperature
It is said that the recommended temperature for storing ice cream is around -18°C to maintain its quality. Freezers that are too cold can cause ice cream to become extremely hard, making it difficult to scoop whereas freezers that are not cold enough can lead to thawing and refreezing, resulting in freezer burn. Thus, make sure the temperature of the freezer is adjusted for optimal storage conditions for ice cream.