5 Desi Home Remedies For Diabetes Control

Diabetes is a condition characterised by fluctuating blood sugar levels. It is fast emerging to be one of the most prevalent lifestyle diseases. Unfortunately, there is no known cure to the condition and since it is almost impossible to reverse it, all you can do is try to keep your blood sugar spikes in control by eating right. A good diet goes a long way in keeping your diabetes in control. And while it is true that exotic fruits like kiwis, avocados and berries are very helpful, there are plenty of local foods that you can bring to your rescue as well.

1. Amla

Amla has 20 times more vitamin C than lemons and vitamin C is a very crucial antioxidant to control diabetes. Additionally, the bitter berry is also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and can give your immunity a natural boost.  

2. Neem Juice

Loaded with flavonoids, triterpenoid, and various anti-inflammatory compounds, the bitter neem leaves serve as an exceptional home remedy to keep blood sugar levels in control.  

3. Karela Juice 

Kerela or bitter gourd comprises an insulin-like compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin that could help keep blood sugar spikes at bay. Simply blend washed and cleaned bitter gourd with water. Make sure you deseed it first.  

4. Giloy Tea

By now you must have established that ‘bitter’ is indeed ‘better’ when it comes to diabetes. Giloy is a root that is replete with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal and antipyretic properties. This bitter tea is made with steeping giloy roots or giloy powder in water for a few minutes. Drink and see the effect for yourself.  

5. Turmeric Water

Turmeric or the golden Indian spice has now become a global phenomenon and rightly so. Turmeric’s strong anti-inflammatory properties are a boon for diabetics. Turmeric also has low GI and high antioxidant properties that also helps aid effective diabetes management. Just mix in a spoon of turmeric in a glass of warm water and drink up. 


Try including these in your diabetes fiet, but do so only in moderation. Make sure you never skip your prescribed medicines.