10 Healthy Foods Found At Train Stations While Travelling

For many commuters in Mumbai, train stations serve as bustling hubs of activity and connectivity. Amidst the chaos, it can be challenging to make healthy food choices. However, fret not! We have curated a list of ten wholesome and nutritious foods available at train stations in Mumbai that will keep you energized throughout the day. Whether you're rushing to catch a train or in need of a quick snack, these options will satisfy your taste buds and promote your well-being.

Fresh Fruit Stalls 

One of the healthiest choices you can make at a train station in Mumbai is to indulge in the fresh and vibrant fruits available at fruit stalls. Bursting with essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre, fruits are a perfect snack to keep you refreshed. You can find an array of seasonal fruits such as bananas, apples, oranges, and grapes at reasonable prices. Grab a handful of your favourite fruits, and you're good to go!

Price range: Rs. 20 - Rs. 50 per fruit.

Vegetable Sandwiches 

If you're looking for a more substantial option, vegetable sandwiches are an excellent choice. Packed with fibre, vitamins, and minerals, these sandwiches provide a balanced meal on the go. Mumbai's train stations are dotted with stalls offering a variety of vegetable fillings such as cucumber, tomato, onion, and beetroot. Opt for whole wheat bread for added nutrition.

Price range: Rs. 30 - Rs. 60 per sandwich.

Sprout Chaat 

For a protein-rich and flavorful snack, try to sprout chaat available at many train stations. Sprouts are an excellent source of plant-based protein, and when combined with chopped onions, tomatoes, and a tangy dressing, they create a satisfying and nutritious dish. This guilt-free chaat will keep you feeling full and satisfied during your journey.

Price range: Rs. 40 - Rs. 80 per serving.

Roasted Chana

Roasted chana, or roasted chickpeas, are a crunchy and protein-packed snack that can be found at train stations in Mumbai. These delicious legumes provide a healthy dose of fibre and essential nutrients. Seasoned with various spices like chaat masala, black salt, and cumin powder, roasted chana offers a burst of flavours that will keep your taste buds happy.

Price range: Rs. 20 - Rs. 40 per serving.

Yogurt Parfait 

When it comes to a quick and nutritious breakfast or snack, yoghurt parfait is an ideal choice. Train station vendors offer these delightful layers of yoghurt, fresh fruits, and granola that provide a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Packed with probiotics, yoghurt supports gut health and boosts your immune system.

Price range: Rs. 50 - Rs. 100 per parfait.

Packaged Healthy Snacks:

Protein Bars 

If you prefer packaged snacks, protein bars are a convenient option. These bars are typically made with high-quality protein sources, such as whey or plant-based proteins, and often contain added vitamins and minerals. Look for bars with minimal added sugars and natural ingredients. They are an excellent choice for a quick energy boost during your train journey.

Price range: Rs. 50 - Rs. 150 per bar.

Nut Mix Packets 

A packet of mixed nuts is a portable and nutritious snack that can be easily carried during your commute. Packed with healthy fats, protein, and fibre, nuts provide sustained energy and are rich in essential nutrients. Opt for unsalted or lightly salted options for a healthier choice.

Price range: Rs. 30 - Rs. 100 per packet.

Whole Grain Crackers

Whole-grain crackers are a great alternative to regular refined flour-based snacks. They are made from whole grains like wheat, oats, or quinoa, which are rich in fibre and provide a slow release of energy. Pair them with hummus or a low-fat cheese spread for a satisfying and nutritious snack.

Price range: Rs. 40 - Rs. 80 per pack.

Dried Fruit Packs 

Dried fruits, such as raisins, apricots, and figs, are a convenient and nutritious option for snacking on the go. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Be mindful of portion sizes as dried fruits are more concentrated in sugar compared to fresh fruits.

Price range: Rs. 30 - Rs. 80 per pack.

Seaweed Snacks 

Seaweed snacks have gained popularity as a healthy alternative to traditional fried snacks. They are low in calories, high in fibre, and packed with vitamins and minerals. Seaweed snacks come in various flavours like sesame, wasabi, or spicy, providing a unique and satisfying taste experience.

Price range: Rs. 40 - Rs. 100 per pack.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while navigating the bustling train stations of Mumbai is not only possible but also enjoyable. With these ten wholesome food options, you can make nutritious choices that fuel your body and mind. From fresh fruits to protein-packed snacks, there is something to suit every palate and dietary preference. So, the next time you find yourself at a train station in Mumbai, remember that you can make wholesome choices on the go, keeping your well-being in mind. Bon voyage and bon appétit!