Potatoes have long been a favourite vegetable for many. And without potato fries, no fast food meal is complete. Celebrating the mild flavours and smooth texture of potatoes, food curators around the world got their hands on creating some of the most visually striking snacks with potatoes that one can't even imagine.

These snacks have had netizens hooked up on a loop, spectating every millisecond of how perfectly these recipes come out. Even though everyone was aware of the limitless possibilities of potatoes, netizens were still shocked at how some simple cuts could create a shape out of this world. But just as easy as it looks, it takes a few trials and tribulations to perfect the technique as demonstrated.

If you too have come across these viral potato fries recipes and are trying to perfect the cuts like you've seen on reels, you should know some basic tips and tricks to perfect your game. After going through all the recipes, you can learn some confident tips and tricks to try it out in your kitchen.

7 Viral Fried Potato Recipes You Should Try

1) Potato Fingers

Potato fingers is a new way of making potato fries that features a hack to create longer fries for lasting fun. It is made by using mashed potatoes rolled thin, cut into strands, coated, and fried to perfection. If you want to create perfect potato fingers, fill the mashed mixture into a clean zip-lock bag and roll it thin to make sure every corner is filled. This helps in forming a perfect and solid shape, avoiding breaking while frying.

2) Waffle Fries

Waffle fries are waffle-shaped potato chips that are usually served in fast food restaurants. These fries are made by slicing potatoes with a mandolin slicer with a wavy slicer blade. Set up the thickness to make perfect chunky fries, then start slicing potatoes by rotating it 90 degrees every time you slice through. This will help in forming waffle patterns on the slices.

3) Accordion Potato

Accordion potato has been an internet sensation for a while now, and its popularity only seems to get higher. The name of this unique potato fry comes from the shape that resembles an accordion. It is made by slicing a thick chunk of potato thinly from the top and connecting it at the base. Then the chunk is flipped to slice it from the other side with a different angle in a similar way. This creates an accordion-like shape. To perfectly do this procedure, use a sharp knife and be careful not to slice all the way through.

4) Potato Bubble Pillow

You can call this a different version of potato nuggets but this time, it is softer from the inside and crispy from the outside. For this, mashed potato is rolled in a long rope and cut into pieces. The pieces are then squeezed with a fork, forming lined patterns on the top creating a pillow-like shape. The patterns make the crust extra crispy and keep the inside from overcooking.

5) Potato Bubble Chips

Almost looks like someone cooked a bubble, these puffed potato chips feel just like a crunchy bubble hollow from the inside but extremely delicious. For this, two thin slices of potatoes are stuck on top of each other. One slice is brushed with cornstarch and the other with egg wash. Then the stuck slices are chopped in a square, sealing the sides, and then fried until it puffs up. To make this, make sure to slice potatoes as thinly as possible and not overcrowd them in the pan while frying.

6) Tornado Fries

Tornado fries have made their way to the streets, creating a popular street food. While some stalls display an intricate contraption to cut the potatoes into spirals, you can do it at home with just your knife. Just skewer the potatoes, hold one side, insert the knife from the top and roll it all the way down until spirals are formed. Then open the spirals layer by layer by shifting the potato on the stick, covering it with batter and crumbs and frying it golden. For this, make sure to not keep the slices too thick if you want to make them crunchy.

7) Thousand Layer Potato

Many creators have perfected this recipe countless times, and every reel has people drooling over it. Thousand-layer potato literally features a thousand layers of potato slices in one fry that creates an extremely crunchy bite. For this, potato slices are stacked on top of one another with butter and seasonings between layers. It is then pressed with something heavy on top, refrigerated for a few hours, baked for a few minutes, cut to cubes and fried until crispy. Patience is the key for this recipe to come out perfectly. If you give it enough time to set, it won't fall apart while frying.

With that said, it is time for you to practise making these viral potato fries recipes at home and savour the crispness. With simple tips and tricks in mind, you’ll perfect this recipe in only a few tries.