Try Making Hard Boiled Eggs In Air Fryer, Here's A Hack

When eggs are boiled in their shells, the shells can often stick to the egg's flesh, producing an unattractive and uneven outcome. This is one of the few drawbacks to eating hard-boiled eggs. Air frying is the finest way that guarantees a fully cooked product and easy-to-remove shell, despite the fact that there are a ton of tips and tactics out there to ensure that you obtain an egg that is easy to peel after it has been boiled. Additionally, it is wonderful, particularly because the small kitchen equipment may hold a number of eggs all at once. In addition, you do not require water, vinegar, or a specific amount of time for the boiling process. 

Preheat: First, set your air fryer to a temperature of 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120 degrees Celsius) for a few minutes of preheating. This will guarantee that the eggs are cooked uniformly throughout their surface. 

Prepare the eggs: Collect your eggs while the air fryer is being preheated. Depending on the capacity of the basket in your air fryer, you can fry an unlimited number of eggs at once. To ensure that the eggs cook evenly, bring them to room temperature before beginning. 

Place the eggs: Put the eggs in a basket and set the air fryer to cook at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. This time may need to be adjusted based on the type of air fryer you have and how well done you want the food to be. Time must be rearranged. 

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Prepare the ice bath: A large bowl of ice water can be prepared while the eggs are cooking. The eggs can be cooled rapidly in this once they've been cooked. 

Cool the eggs: Using tongs or a heat-resistant glove, carefully remove the eggs from the air fryer once the cooking time has elapsed. Throw them into the ice water to cool down immediately to prevent further cooking. For around 5 minutes, submerge the eggs in ice water. 

Peel the eggs: The eggs can be cracked by tapping them gently on a firm surface after they have cooled down. To open the shell, simply roll them in your palms. When peeling an orange, start at the wider end where the air pocket is. 


Enjoy: When they're peeled, hard-boiled eggs are ready to eat or add to other dishes right away. Refrigerate them for up to a week in a sealed jar if you need to keep them for longer. 

If you want perfectly cooked eggs every time with little fuss, try using an air fryer. The air fryer method eliminates the requirement for boiling water and reduces the possibility of overcooking. Try different cooking periods until you achieve the desired doneness, whether that's a runny yolk or a completely hard-boiled egg. Your hard-boiled eggs have turned out nicely, and now you may eat them in a variety of ways.