Dark Chocolate, The Healthy Answer To Your Sweet Cravings

Do you have a sweet tooth and can't go a day without eating anything sweet? Then make dark chocolate your bae. One of the best sources of antioxidants is dark chocolate; it comes from the cacao tree's seed. It can boost your health, lessen the risk of heart disease, and high nutrients can benefit your health.

| Ranita Ray

Nov 29, 2022

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High on Nutrition

Quality dark chocolate has high cocoa and is exceptionally nutritious. It has a good amount of soluble fibre and is high in minerals. It also contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. Caffeine and theobromine are two stimulants found in dark chocolate. But, it does not interfere with sleep. However, dark chocolate should be consumed in moderation.

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Blood Pressure Management

Several controlled studies have found that cocoa and dark chocolate boost blood flow and reduce blood pressure. The flavonoids in dark chocolate can increase the production of nitric oxide (NO) by the endothelium, the lining of arteries. One of NO's tasks is to signal the arteries to relax, lowering the resistance to blood flow and thereby lowering blood pressure.

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Reduces LDL

Dark chocolate can reduce several significant risk factors for heart disease and may protect against elevated cholesterol. Cocoa reduces oxidation-prone types of LDL. It contains potent antioxidants which enter the bloodstream and shield lipoproteins from oxidative damage. A small study discovered that eating dark chocolate supplemented with flavanol lycopene dramatically reduced LDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglycerides levels.

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Promotes Skin Health

Dark chocolate's bioactive components may also be beneficial to your skin. Flavanols can protect the skin from sun damage, boost blood flow to the skin, and improve skin density and hydration. Consider eating more dark chocolate in the weeks leading up to your beach vacation. However, consult your doctor or dermatologist before substituting your regular skincare routine with dark chocolate.

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Boosts Brain Health

Consuming rich flavanol cocoa has been shown in studies to enhance blood flow to the brain in young individuals. Cocoa flavonoids can be beneficial for older persons with mild cognitive impairment. It may help them to maintain cognitive function and lessen the chances of dementia. The presence of stimulant chemicals such as caffeine and theobromine may be one of the main reasons cocoa can enhance brain function in the short term.

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