Quench Your Thirst With These 7 Healthy Drinks For Summer

By Garima Johar

April 4, 2024

While everyone loves sugary shakes and frappuccinos, they’re not healthy to be consumed every day. Here are some refreshing, healthy drinks for summer that are safe to drink regularly.


The traditional Punjabi drink made with curd, water, and a lot of ice cubes is healthy and hydrating for summer.

Nimbu Paani

Nimbu paani is an easy fix to quench your thirst in the summer. It’s also refreshing to drink after coming back home from the heat.

Aam Panna

The classic mango drink, aam panna is a sweet and tangy beverage that’s perfect for the summer season

Coconut Water

Coconut water has many benefits. If you need a healthy drink for summer every day, stick to coconut water guilt-free.

Iced Tea

For people who need strong flavours in their daily beverage, iced tea without any refined sugar would be the perfect option.

Sattu Drink

Sattu drink is a popular summer drink made with sattu flour, chilled water, roasted cumin powder, black salt, and chopped mint leaves.

Watermelon Juice

By blending the watermelon chunks and adding some lemon and mint, you can make a hydrating glass of watermelon juice.