Keep Your Watermelon Fresh, Store This Way 

By Deepali Verma 

Does your watermelon lose its freshness and texture? To keep them tasting fresh and juicy for longer, just follow these basic steps. 

Room temperature 

Store watermelon at room temperature if you won't eat it right away. This preserves its nutritional value and speeds up the ripening process if it's not fully ripe. 

Store wrapped 

Wrap any remaining watermelon in plastic wrap and store it in the fridge. This keeps it from losing its moisture and keeps it from spoiling. 

Keep the rind 

Avoid removing watermelon's rind before preserving. Only peel the part you'll eat. The rind keeps it moist like plastic wrap. It would preserve taste and nutrition. 

Store separately 

When the water comes to a boil, lower the heat to a simmer and leave it there for about 10 minutes. 

The freezer is the best place to preserve watermelon. Remove the watermelon's rind and cut it into medium cubes. Put them in a freezer-safe container or wrap them in plastic. 

Freeze it