How To Make Homemade Lemon Squash For Summer

By Garima Johar

April 18, 2024

Whenever you come back home from the scorching heat of the summer, you must hydrate your body with a cool beverage. And what’s better than a glass of homemade lemon squash that can be made within a few minutes?


4-5 large lemons 1 cup sugar 4 cups water Ice cubes Mint leaves for garnish

Step 1

Start by rinsing the lemons, cutting them into equal halves, and taking out lemon juice with a lemon squeezer. Get about 1.5 cups of lemon juice for the squash.

Step 2

Heat some water and mix in sugar till it dissolves. Add lemon zest for a better flavour and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes.

Step 3

Let the syrup cool down, and then strain out the lemon zest.

Step 4

Take a jug and mix the strained syrup, lemon juice and 3 cups of water. Refrigerate it for a few hours.

Step 5

Before serving, add ice cubes and mint, and your squash will be ready.