Healthy Fenugreek Milk Recipe To Enhance Your Immunity

By Yash Lakhan

April 30, 2024

Milk is often the first drink that is advised to add to your children's diet since it is high in nutrients and beneficial to their overall health. Adding fenugreek is a great way to reap the benefits of both methi and doodh.


1 cup of milk 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds Honey or sugar

Step 1

The milk should be heated to a simmer in a saucepan over medium heat.

Step 2

Set aside the fenugreek seeds to dry roast in a separate skillet until fragrant while the milk is simmering.

Step 3

Pour in the roasted fenugreek seeds when the milk has reached a boil. The seeds will infuse their benefits into the milk if you let it simmer on low heat for a further five to seven minutes.

Step 4

Strain the seeds out and let the fenugreek milk cool slightly after turning off the heat.

Step 5

Sweeten the fenugreek milk by adding honey or sugar, if preferred.

Step 6

Stir well and serve fenugreek milk warm in a cup.