Green Chutney With Kadi Patta: Simple But Different

By Tanisha Salwan


Handful of curry Leaves 1 tsp urad Dal 1 tsp mustard Seeds ½ tsp cumin Seeds ½ ginger 2 green chilies ½ cup grated coconut 1 tbsp toasted Chana Dal Pinch of hing 2 tbsp oil Salt as required

Step 1

First, take curry leaves and rinse them. Dry them properly as no moisture should be there.

Step 2

Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds along with urad dal. Allow them to splutter.

Step 3

Add cumin seeds, ginger as well green chilies. Stir and mix well.

Step 4

Add curry leaves and sauté them on low heat. Mix until the leaves become a little crisp.

Step 5

Don't overcook. When done, turn off the flame and let the curry leaves cool down.

Step 6

In a grinder, add the kadi patta mixture along with grated coconut and chana dal. Blend well with water.

Step 7

Chutney is ready. Serve it with anything you want and enjoy!