Fresh Mozzarella Cheese You Can Make At Home

By Shireen Jamooji

We all know the beauty of a cheesy pull of mozzarella on pizza, but did you know that fresh mozzarella is soft and pliable.  Perfect for salads or for melting on bread, you can easily make your own at home.


1 gallon of whole milk 1/4 cup of white vinegar 1 teaspoon of salt

Step 1

Pour the milk into a large pot and heat it over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it reaches a temperature of 32°C.

Step 2

Remove the pot from the heat and add the white vinegar, stirring gently for a few seconds until the curd starts to separate from the whey.

Step 3

Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, scoop the curd into a microwave-safe bowl, leaving the whey in the pot.

Step 4

Microwave the curd for 1 minute. Drain off the whey, and using a spatula, press the curd to remove as much whey as possible.

Step 5

Microwave the curd for another 30 seconds and repeat the draining process. Add the salt to the curd and knead it with your hands until smooth and shiny.

Step 5

Form the cheese into a ball or any desired shape, and then place it in a bowl of ice water to cool and set before using.