Avoid Cooking These Foods In An Air Fryer  

By Deepali Verma 

Even though air fryers are quite flexible, not all meals will cook properly in them. Find out what you should not cook in an air fryer if you want to achieve the finest results in the kitchen. 

Wet Batters 

Wet batters, such as pancake or tempura batter, may not crisp up correctly in an air fryer. 

Large Cuts of Meat 

When using an air fryer, select smaller pieces of meat. Inconsistent cooking may occur with large roasts or whole chicken. 

Delicate Fish 

Overcooked or dry seafood or fish fillets are a common problem when using an air fryer. For delicate fish, it's best to use a different cooking procedure. 

Water dense vegetables 

Vegetables with a lot of water content, such as zucchini or tomatoes, may become mushy when cooked in an air fryer. Vegetables that are already dry will work best. 

An air fryer is best used for dry heat cooking, therefore avoid using it to prepare anything that requires liquid, such as soup. 

Soups and Stews