6 Reasons To Include Baby Corn In Your Diet 

By Deepali Verma

May 3, 2024

Used extensively in Asian and oriental cooking, baby corn has been touted as one of the healthiest veggies you can add to your stir fries and salads. Baby corns have found a popular fan following in the west too. It is one of the most imported vegetables across the world. Here are some essential benefits of baby corn you must know. 

 Low In Calories 

The calorie content of baby corn is really low. Only 26 calories are included in one hundred grams of baby corn. It is possible that including delicious vegetable in your diet for weight loss may assist you in losing some weight in a short amount of time.   

Rich In Fibre 

The book "Healing Foods" by DK Publishing says that baby corns, when harvested at the right age, are packed with helpful fibres. For better glucose regulation and cardiovascular health, soluble fibre is a must-have. Dietary fibre promotes regular bowel movements by increasing stool volume. For satiety, go for fibre, as it takes the longest to digest.  

Low-Carb Veggie 

Baby corn has a lower starch and carbohydrate content than regular corn, which is why it is more commonly used. One serving (28 grams) contains 0.9 grams. Additionally, it is a superior choice for weight loss due to its extremely low fat level.   

Nutrient Dense 

There are a lot of nutrients in baby corn. Aside from proteins and fibres, baby corns also include antioxidants, which are essential for good health. 

Stimulates Digestion 

Soluble and insoluble fibres abound in baby corn. Consuming foods high in fibre can aid with digestive health. Losing weight healthily and effectively may be helped by a digestive system that is in good condition. 

Promotes Healthy Vision

There are a fair quantity of carotenoids in yellow baby corn, just as there are in mature corn. The antioxidant carotenoids protect against cataracts and promote healthy eyes.