5 Herbs And Spices To Avoid During Summer 

By Deepali Verma

May 5, 2024

The summer heat makes it all the more important to watch what spices and herbs we use in the kitchen to make sure they bring out the best in the season's lighter foods without making us feel even worse. For the summer, you might want to steer clear of these five herbs and spices. 

Red Chilli Powder 

Red chilli powder is great for making food hotter, but it may also make you feel hot and uncomfortable when it's hot outside. Try paprika or cayenne pepper instead, which are less spicy. 


Garlic, with its strong smell and perfume, might make you feel hotter than you really are, which could be a problem in the summer. You could choose to use less garlic or use a milder onion, chives, or green onion instead. 


Even while ginger is well regarded for its therapeutic qualities, its warming impact might not be the best choice during summer. When looking to add a touch of freshness to your food, try utilising cooling herbs such as cilantro or mint. 


For lighter summer fare, clove's powerful warming qualities could be overpowering. Lighter spices, such as cinnamon or cardamom, might help to create a more nuanced taste. 

Black Pepper 

Although black pepper is a common ingredient in many dishes, its intensity sometimes be too much to handle when the weather becomes hot. If you're looking for a milder spice to add to your summer cuisine, try white pepper or mild chilli flakes. You may make wonderful, cooling summer dishes that are perfect for the heat by paying attention to these spices and herbs.